By Juliana ROJAS, Marco DUTRA


Drama - Completed 2011

& Awards

Festival de Cannes 2011
Un Certain Regard
    • Year of production
    • 2011
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • BRAZIL
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 99 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Juliana ROJAS, Marco DUTRA
    • Writer(s)
    • Juliana ROJAS, Marco DUTRA
    • Producer(s)
    • Maria IONESCU (Dezenove Som e Imagens), Sara SILVEIRA (Dezenove Som e Imagens)
    • Synopsis
    • Helena, a middle-class housewife, is about to open her first business: a grocery store. Paula, a black girl who recently came to São Paulo in search for work, is hired by Helena to take care of her house and her daughter, Vanessa. Otávio, Helena’s husband, works as an executive in a big insurance company. They all seem to be in a good time of their lives, except for Helena’s difficulties in dealing with her new position as a boss and with a growing dark stain that dominates one of her store’s walls. When Otávio suddenly loses his job, an unexpected dynamic takes place as Helena becomes the only responsible for the house income and has to pass most of her time at work. Otávio starts a job-searching routine, which is hard because of his age. He stays home for long periods of time and ends up getting closer to Vanessa. Helena begins to repair the grocery wall with the stain. She can’t get used to losing space to Paula inside her own house. The repair of the wall goes slowly, and during it a bad odor starts to bother the clients, affecting business. Helena is worried about not making enough money for the family. Tired and stressed, she starts getting suspicious about her employees at the market. After the disappearance of some products, she dismisses one of them assuming the girl had stolen food. Helena asks her parents for financial help. Otávio, unhappy with this, takes Vanessa to a beach vacation so that both he and Helena can calm down a little. One night, alone, Helena examines the market wall and, as pieces of brick fall apart, she finds two decomposed bones. Nervous, she calls Otávio back from the trip. Together, they get rid of the problem and get closer to each other, but the money trouble makes Helena cut down Paula’s salary. She doesn’t accept it and leaves. Otávio tries to readapt himself to the new philosophies of the corporate world. During an exercise for a job selection, the candidates are invited to explore their primitive roots. Otávio screams.
    • Production schedule
    • Pre-production - February 22nd 2010
      Production - April 6th 2010
      Finalization - from June to November 2010
      1st print - January 2011
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Apr 01, 2010