By Hossein TEHRANI

7TH ART INDEPENDENT FILMS DISTRIBUTION - as SALES All rights, World / DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World

Social issues - Completed 2023

The day after Khalid’s wedding ceremony, his elder brother (Khalil) is murdered on suspicion of betrayal. Some of the well-reputed people of the village gather together in order to make a decision on the case.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Social issues, Drama, Second film
    • Countries
    • IRAN
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 105 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Hossein TEHRANI
    • Synopsis
    • The day after Khalid’s wedding ceremony, his elder brother (Khalil) is murdered on suspicion of betrayal. Some of the well-reputed people of the village gather together in the mosque by Abou Maher (the spice shop owner of the village) in order to make a decision on Salimeh (Khalil’s wife and murderer).
      Although revenge would make his three nephews orphan, it is the only thing that Khalid thinks of.
      Abou Maher believes that Salime will be acquitted if Khalil’s charge of betrayal is approved, otherwise, the retribution will be done.
      Such a possible sentence makes Gishu (Khalil’s daughter) wish that her father would have betrayed her mother. Nasir (barge building labourer) who has been friend with Khalil since childhood begins the investigation.