Drama - Completed 2023

What would happen if we let a student commit a tragedy by taking revenge on a teacher who decided to end his life ?

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.3 - 0.6 M$
    • Duration
    • 24 mn
    • Synopsis
    • Eva, a young philosophy teacher, is heckled and hated by her students.
      Day 1 - Following a strong altercation, Eva forces Medhi to leave her class. Helpless in the face of the verbal violence of the exchanges, his classmates are shocked and invite Medhi to calmly leave the class.
      He vows to return the next day to lodge a bullet in her head.
      While some of the students have gone out to try to temper Medhi, Eva reminds the others that one of her colleagues will replace her this afternoon, because she must to go to a medical appointment.
      In the afternoon at the hospital, Eva learns that she has entered the terminal phase of her cancer and that she has little time left to make the final arrangements.
      That same evening, in her apartment, she prepares a weapon.
      Day 2 - The next day at school, Medhi arrives with a gun in his hand. The students are panicked but prevent him from committing the irreparable and warn the principal who calls the emergency services of the police. As the principal goes to meet Medhi to try to subdue him, many gunshots ring out.
      Eva bursts into the school and is determined to shoot all the students.
      While part of the class is taken hostage, the Special Intervention Brigade arrives on site and intervenes.