Black comedy - Completed 2012

A certain level of absurd is introduced and gradually elevated towards the end to finally unveil the sheer emptiness and poverty of character’s souls and spirits, contrasted by sublime visual style of the film.

    • Year of production
    • 2012
    • Genres
    • Black comedy
    • Countries
    • RUSSIA
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.3 - 0.6 M$
    • Duration
    • 75 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Maria SAAKYAN
    • Writer(s)
    • Grigory MATIUHIN
    • Producer(s)
    • Julia MISHKINENE (Vita Aktiva)
    • Synopsis
    • The film “Entropy” can be defined as a black comedy.
      According to the ancient Mayan calendar, the world will come to an end in summer 2012. Four friends decide to face this event with dignity – outside the city, amidst nature, so as to prepare properly for the final day of their lives. The four friends – directors Gera and Ilya, producer Pasha, and actress Masha – are well-known members of the creative elite. After leaving a nightclub in the morning, they steal the first car they find and drive to an abandoned country house. But even when faced with death (whether real or contrived), they cannot be themselves. They continue to act and pose, to display their hang-ups, to hurt each other, to utter taunts and platitudes, not understanding that in fact the end of the world has already occurred for them – in their souls. In this abandoned house, some will survive and some will not. Some will experience new feelings, while others will remain trapped in their errors.
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Jun 01, 2011