By Vibeke BRYLD


Documentary - Completed 2021

    • Year of production
    • 2021
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Duration
    • 73 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Vibeke BRYLD
    • Synopsis
    • Elsewhere is a film about the invisible life in the North of Denmark – here nature is rougher and faith is stronger than in the rest of the country.

      The film moves through the living, breathing organism of the heath, the sea, and the woods. Guided by a voice from the past and accompanied by the testimonies and rituals of the present, the film invites you to tune into a different frequency – one, where you can hear the call from the sea, the pain of the woods, and feel the restlessness of the moor.

      The story is tightly bound to the landscape, but is also a universal story about the need to belong and overcome death. The film evokes the invisible life of myth and nature and lets it unfold in all of its magical potential.