Science-fiction - Pre-Production 2023

She's just like you, only better.

    • Year of production
    • 2023
    • Genres
    • Science-fiction, Thriller
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Director(s)
    • Alex PRAGER
    • Writer(s)
    • Alex PRAGER
    • Producer(s)
    • Elizabeth BANKS (Brownstone Productions), Alison SMALL (Brownstone Productions), Vincent LANDAY, Max HANDELMAN
    • Synopsis
    • “DREAMQUIL” is set in the not so distant future when poor air quality has meant people mostly live their
      lives virtually from home and Artificial Intelligence has become more prevalent. Carol (Banks) is a dissatisfied
      career mother, who despite being very much in love with her husband Gary (Reilly), is struggling to find real
      connection within her marriage and kids, where the day to day familiarity of their home is claustrophobic.
      Worried she could be heading towards divorce, Carol leaps at the chance to get her life back on track by
      signing up for DreamQuil’s avant-garde A.I.-led mental wellness retreat. Gary, left to take care of their two
      sons, is thankfully delivered “Carol-Too”, an identical mechanical clone of his wife. However things take a
      sinister turn for Carol upon her homecoming. Refreshed and ready to dive back into family life, her robotic and
      more perfect substitute doesn’t leave and Carol-Too will stop at nothing until the real Carol is eliminated. But
      in this world, there is always a twist. DREAMQUIL is a psychological thriller that forces us to face the realities
      of our changing world, explores how the automation of society impacts our identity, and reminds us of what
      makes us human.