By Christopher FORBES

ITN DISTRIBUTION - as SALES All rights, World

Action/Adventure - Completed 2020

The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. Even be-fore the arrival of Christianity, they eradicated much of the native re-ligion, but a few British Druids survived in a hidden sanctuary in the West. The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of King Vortigern.

    • Year of production
    • 2020
    • Genres
    • Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • USA
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Christopher FORBES
    • Synopsis
    • The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. Even be-fore the arrival of Christianity, they eradicated much of the native re-ligion, but a few British Druids survived in a hidden sanctuary in the West. The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of King Vortigern.