CENTAR FILM LTD. - as DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD, Airline, World / PROD / FIN

Historical - Completed 1974

    • Year of production
    • 1974
    • Genres
    • Historical, Drama
    • Countries
    • SERBIA
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 108 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Zdravko VELIMIROVIC
    • Writer(s)
    • Zdravko VELIMIROVIC
    • Synopsis
    • This is a drama about friendship and love, dogma and power, located in Bosnia at the beginning of the XIX century, at the time of the Ottoman Empire. Ahmed Nuradin, the devout head of the Islam sect of dervishes, has executed his innocent brother. Answering with evil for evil, Ahmed overthrows the ruling people and becomes a central figure of this ruling body in the naive belief that it is possible to change the world by introducing reforms and establishing justice. However, the system of the former rule, in which only the people, but not the spirit of the regime have been changed, draws Ahmed into its grasp and destroys him as a man, a moral being. He even sacrifices his best friend. Only then does he realize how far he has fallen. Breaking away from his illusions, the idea of the inevitability of resistance grows in him, which is more a humanistic message through time than a path to personal salvation.