Daruma Mifune, a former Kurosawa clan leader who has served time in prison for a murder he committed under orders from the clan, finally completes his 15-year sentence and returns to the streets, but the Kurosawa clan is now run by Maiko Kyo, the wife of his late predecessor, and the young bosses, leaving no room for Tatsuma or his adoring old colleagues. Under such circumstances, Darumama is given a new territory by Kyo Maiko, a studio for a video production company, which the clan had taken in lieu of a debt. Daruma and a new gang member, Mr. Nakata Sanpei, head to the studio, where Teruko Nogami, daughter of the studio's president, is live streaming on a Vtuber. One day, Daruma also started to stream as a Vtuber at the studio. Meanwhile, Daruma is approached by a mysterious woman, Kajiwara Mei, who is constantly on the prowl for his life...!
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