By Kwang-Hoon WOO

M-LINE DISTRIBUTION - as SALES All rights, World

Documentary - Completed 2017

What if Gutenberg is not the first inventor of the metal type?

    • Year of production
    • 2017
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • KOREA (South)
    • Duration
    • 102 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Kwang-Hoon WOO
    • Synopsis
    • David, a Canadian, learns about the world's oldest metal type printed book Jikji, when he studied in France. Even though it says that Gutenberg invented his own typeface without any influences, there’s no evidence found to back it up. David went to five European countries in search of the possibility that the technology of Goryeo, which achieved the world's best character culture, spread to Europe through the Yuan Dynasty in 13th Century. Finally he finds the first letter to Pope John XXIII from the King of Goryeo in 1333.