LEONINE STUDIOS - as DISTR Theatrical, TV, DVD-video, VOD

Action/Adventure - Completed 2013

    • Year of production
    • 2013
    • Genres
    • Action/Adventure
    • Countries
    • FRANCE
    • Director(s)
    • Camille DELAMARRE
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/E31A-078D-268B-17B9-9A14-D
    • Synopsis
    • In the near future, the mayor of Detroit wants to get rid of the ghettos,called Brick Mansions. Which is controlled by the most powerful warlord in the city, Tremaine. A righteous cop named Lino is determined to bring him down. When Tremaine kidnaps Lola, a tough cookie Lino used to date, the
      latter teams up with an undercover cop named Damien. Lola's life is not the only one in the balance, as Tremaine threatens to detonate a neutron bomb within 24 hours if his demands are not met. Our two heros scramble to find the bomb and save Lola. They have no idea that those who pull the strings might not consider the city's destruction as such a bad thing.