Body of War, directed by veteran talk show host Phil Donahue and co-directed by filmmaker Ellen Spiro with all original music composed for the film by Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder. The film which premiered at the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival, won the National Board of Review Award for Best Documentary, was nominated for a Producer’s Guild Award for Best Documentary, and won the Audience Award at the Hamptons Film Festival. Time Magazine’s Richard Corliss called it a "superb documentary [and] almost unbearably moving." The film follows the story of 22-year-old Tomas Young who volunteers to fight in Afghanistan but ends up being sent to Iraq, where within three days he is hit by mortar fire, sustains paralyzing injuries and the course of his life is changed forever. His personal struggle to piece together his life and find a new place back in his country is mapped against the nation's attempt to make sense of how and why Congress came to authorize the President's decision to go to war. A 20 city US theatrical release commenced in Spring 2008.
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