Family - Completed 2011

    • Year of production
    • 2011
    • Genres
    • Family
    • Countries
    • Budget
    • 1 - 3 M$
    • Duration
    • 88 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Johan NIJENHUIS
    • Writer(s)
    • Wijo KOEK
    • EIDR
    • 10.5240/E379-389D-DD6D-DE5A-F78D-S
    • Producer(s)
    • Johan NIJENHUIS (Nijenhuis & Co), Klaas DE JONG (Farmhouse Film & TV), Bernard TULP (Nijenhuis & Co)
    • Synopsis
    • Bennie Brat is called a naughty boy. Bennie is just playing but he sure creates havoc in his neighborhood, because things always seem to go wrong… His teacher, his mother, even his big brother Steven find that all he does is cause trouble.
      It’s winter during The Great Depression of the 1930’s. Bennie lives in a tiny house with his mom and his brother. Bennie’s father, a fisherman, is at work far away in a Spanish port.
      He wishes for his dad to come home soon, that would make life better. But when the fishing ships from Spain are finally docking in the village harbor his dad is not there...
      Bennie has to be without his father during the whole of the winter and dad won’t be there for the Saint Nicolas celebrations, the best time of the year! Unless Bennie comes up with a really good plan.
      It has been a long tradition, that the good Saint Nicolas brings presents to all the well behaved children in the world, but the naughty children have to be disciplined and are taken in old dusty bags by Saint Nicolas helpers, all the way to Spain… So all Bennie has to do now is to be the naughtiest boy the town has ever seen.