By David Eira PIRE


Action/Adventure - Development 2024

Four teenagers venture with their kayaks along the Paraná River in search of a great fish, but they get lost and must learn to survive while finding their way back to the city.

& Awards

Habana Film Festival 2023
Unpublished script competition
    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Action/Adventure, Road movie, First film
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Budget
    • 0.3 - 0.6 M$
    • Duration
    • 100 mn
    • Director(s)
    • David Eira PIRE
    • Producer(s)
    • Roxana BORDIONE (B+T Cine), Fernanda TALEB (B+T Cine)
    • Synopsis
    • Nicolás, a high school student who, motivated by his mother, aspires to start police school, and his classmates, Lucas, Nacho and Ismael, have a week without classes while the rest of the class goes on a graduate trip. Nicolás plans to use his free days to catch up with his studies and thus prevent his mother from discovering that he stopped being the good student he once was a long time ago. But his friends tempt him with a proposal that promises adventure: sailing through the Paraná delta in search of the Malenseñado, a mythical fish that no one has ever managed to catch but that many say they have seen. Nicolás, despite himself, rejects the invitation until his mother, upon discovering his lies, punishes him and he decides to escape from home to join the journey with his friends.
      By rowing, the boys leave the city behind to travel aboard precarious kayaks through a labyrinth of streams and wild vegetation. The enthusiasm increases with the first signs of the big fish and the boys go after it, but they quickly realize that the legend does not lie: the fish is elusive and very strong, and when trying to capture it they get into an accident and, among other things, the ship sinks. GPS that guided them. With no other alternative, they decide to make their way back. But the immensity and the sinuous layout of the delta make them lose their way and, while they think they are advancing, they do nothing but row in a circle, finishing their scant food and wasting their energy in vain.
      With hunger, fatigue and fear of death, their selfishness emerges, resulting in fights, which divide the group and aggravate the situation to its limits. To Nicolás's surprise, in calm and clear waters, he randomly sees the Malenseñado laying hundreds of eggs. After the spectacular event, he takes pity on her and gives up on catching her. The boys then reconcile, begin to work as a group to get food and navigate in search of a path that takes them back to the city.
      Months later, the travel experience motivates them to take responsibility for their own destinies by making brave decisions. Nacho leaves the harmful environment of his parents' house, Ismael overcomes the heartbreak of his first girlfriend, and Lucas embarks on a hitchhiking trip in search of himself. For his part, Nicolás takes the entrance exam for police school, but, at the last minute, he dares to ignore his mother's command and flees the institution determined to search for his true vocation.
    • Beginning of shooting
    • Sep 30, 2024
    • End of shooting
    • Nov 01, 2024