KAFILMS - as SALES All rights, World

Documentary - Completed 2012

Backyard Sessions is a documentary about people that lives, what for others are “extreme sports”, as something simple, as playing in their own “backyards”

    • Year of production
    • 2012
    • Genres
    • Documentary
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Duration
    • 60 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Santiago CHARRIERE
    • Writer(s)
    • Santiago CHARRIERE
    • Producer(s)
    • Santiago CHARRIERE, Agostina PISANO
    • Synopsis
    • Backyard Sessions is a documentary about people that lives, what for others are “extreme sports”, as something simple, as playing in their own “backyards”, whether is skiing, snowboarding, hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, skateboarding or fishing, everything in the place where they were born, where the know the nature as the context of their lives, and they interact with it with the simplicity and the strength of every breath.
      Along with stories from the “old times” in the woods, this “coral western documentary” shows us the man becoming part of the nature. These are no professionals, in Backyard Sessions there are no helicopters, no supporting groups, no extra equipment, wherever they want to go, they have to climb and make friends with the Mother Nature. That’s the way this characters live, as for Santiago Charriere and his camera:
      The hunger for the backcountry finds no limits.