Little Jack" (Freddie Highmore) is an adorable young fox who is busy enjoying a blissful life, chasing frogs, butterflies and playing in the forest with his loving family. Until one night when his perfect world is turned upside down when his father, "Jack" is captured and forced to join the circus. "Anna Conda" (Miranda Richardson) is the cunning circus-owner whose desire for bigger and better performances leads her to kidnapping the forest animals. With the help of her magician husband, "The Ringmaster" (Bill Nighy), the animals are hypnotized into performing in her shows. On his rescue mission "Little Jack" gets help from some unlikely heroes, including a nature loving boy in a wheelchair called "Alex" and "Arabella", a young acrobat. "Little Jack's" task of rescuing his beloved father leads him to make a new friends, including a gorgeous circus fox named "Darcey" (Sienna Miller). Together they set out to free all the animals so they can return home to the beautiful forest- just as nature intended.
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