
Sales Agent
Production Company

Sales Agent
Production Company
Since 20 years our operations are focused in 3 main business models: Production, World-Sales and Remakes Distribution. On the World Sales side: We have been handling World-Sales for major production companies and Studios such as: Sony Intl’ Productions, Fox Intl’ Productions, Disney owned Patagonik; Antena3 owned Atresmedia, DLO (part of Banijay Group's Magnolia), Televisa owned Videocine, Cattleya (part of ITV Studios), Movistar+, Amiguetes/Bowfinger, Alazraki films; Arcadia Motion Pictures
1-Out put deals for theatrical releases. 2-Pre-sales partners. 3-Out-put deals with recognized Producers. 4-Aquisitions of high profile projects at early stages. 5-Aggregate films into the top VOD Platforms world wide as we handle ( as we handle the finest Production companies' back catalogues such as Disney backed Patagonik, Alta Vista , Pol-Ka , Amiguetes and Eddie Saeta) . .
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