ALGIERS 05:37 (UTC+1)





Financial Institution

Film Fund


Production Company


Profile :Créée en 2005, l’Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement Culturels est un opérateur culturel à part entière qui dispose depuis 2008 du statut d’Entreprise. Elle assure aussi pour le compte de l’état des sujétions de service public.Son champ d’action comprend le patrimoine, les arts de la scène, la musique, les arts visuels, le cinéma et la littérature.L’AARC organise des évènements et apporte son soutien à des projets d’artistes, d’institutions ou d’associations culturelles, tant pour la création que la promotion et la diffusion.Elle encourage notamment les productions contemporaines par lesquelles les créateurs et auteurs algériens, en Algérie et à l’étranger, s’attachent à vivifier le patrimoine dans des expressions nouvelles.Celle – ci poursuit deux missions essentielles :Promouvoir dans le monde la culture et les arts d’Algérie en mettant en valeur leur richesse et leur diversité sur des critères d’originalité et de qualité.Accueillir les expressions étrangères


Objective : Missions The Algerian Agency for Cultural Outreach (AARC) carries two main missions: -Promoting in the world the heritage, the culture and the arts of Algeria, exploiting their wealth and diversity according to original quality criteria. -Receiving foreign expressions in our country and provoking, between the disciplines and the artist, international exchanges schemes, based on excellence and discovery. Its sphere of activity includes: -Heritage -The performing arts -Music -Visual arts -Cinema -Literature The Agency makes every effort in this framework to give Algerian communities abroad grounds for and opportunities to renew their cultural sources. It particularly encourages contemporary works through which the Algerian writers and creators, in Algeria and abroad, endeavour to enrich their heritage with new expression. The AARC organizes events and brings its support to the projects of artists, enterprises or cultural and artistic associations, as much for the creation as well as for the promotion and broadcasting, it includes in its action job cultural trainings as well as meetings of a cultural nature (conferences, seminaries). Statute When it was created, the AARC got, in November 2005 the statute of an institution of an administrative nature (EPA). In September 2008 it was transformed into a public institution of an industrial and commercial nature (EPIC), with a board of directors. This change resulted from the analysis by the authorities of the first exercises of the AARC showing the necessity of ensuring a greater flexibility in the functioning through legal status and financial autonomy. This new statute also allows the Agency to provide cultural services and contribute to the financing of shares both in Algeria and abroad. The accounts of the AARC are held according to the public finance rules. The receipts include functioning and equipment subventions allotted by the state, the receipts linked to the activities of the Agency as well as the gifts and legacies. ORGANIZATION CHART The management of the Agency is entrusted to a General Manager helped by an Assistant General Manager. The AARC is split into operational departments involved in precise fields of activity Music and live shows Visual arts and heritage Book and documentation Cinema and audiovisual The activity of these departments is supported as regards to information and communication by the Communication and Cultural Exchanges Department. This department plays a vital role in focusing on the action of the AARC as well as on its public relations. Three logistic departments complete this architecture: the Staff and Material Means Department, the Finance Department and Sales Department.