Family - Development 2015

Victory is a woman of sixty-two years living a parallel life behind his wealthy family. Despite it all, Victoria cleans houses, selling cell phone minutes, change diapers in a kindergarten among other things, to avoid the boredom of everyday life.

    • Year of production
    • 2015
    • Genres
    • Family, Drama
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • Synopsis
    • Victory is a woman of sixty-two years living a parallel life behind his wealthy family. Despite it all, Victoria cleans houses, selling cell phone minutes, change diapers in a kindergarten among other things, to avoid the boredom of everyday life.

      Camilo, his driver, 64, discovers she does in secret and decides to teach that there are many more fun ways to avoid boredom. Thus, this man becomes his accomplice, until are still lovers. In this relationship Victoria rediscovers sex, which does not have many years with her husband. A good day starts having physical discomforts: vomiting, dizziness and fainting particular. His family, consisting of 8 children, alarmed by what happened. Victoria ends up in the hospital where the doctor, alone, tells him she's pregnant.

      Victoria and her lover hide what is happening to them for a while, until her husband, Don Mauricio, 65, finds out, at which time a relative chaos in which her husband ends of the house by throwing weapon.

      Victoria goes to live with her lover, there is concern about what might happen: a woman is pregnant and with few economic resources. One of her children unconditionally supports and endorses. The pair of old men begin to build the nursery and live the daily life of a couple when they become parents for the first time. Camilo is very concerned about the health of Victoria, in a discussion about it, suffers a heart attack and dies.

      Victoria is left alone but is determined to have her child. During the remainder of gestation it has physical, economic and emotional complications. The day will give birth, after a long time, their children are all together again. They come to the anxious, fearful and curious clinic so it can happen with your mom.

      Happily born baby, all revolve around the child. The new mother is leaving the hospital, accompanied by all his children, while they have a discussion will be deciding where the woman with the baby. Don Mauricio, her husband appears. There is a great silence in the situation. The man approaches, raises the child in his arms and tells them to go home.

      In the final scene, Don Mauricio diapering the baby and passes it to Victoria to breastfeed.