Thriller - Production 2021

    • Year of production
    • 2021
    • Genres
    • Thriller
    • Countries
    • Languages
    • THAI
    • Duration
    • 90 mn
    • Director(s)
    • Producer(s)
    • Urs Walter BRUNNER (Angel & Bear Productions )
    • Synopsis
    • Anna is a teenage girl with a strange fate: her bloodline dates back to the Snake King, making her half human and half snake. If she takes off the ring that controls her body from turning into a snake, she quickly turns into a ferocious monster: her hair becomes alive with snakes and if anyone looks her into the eyes, that person instantly turns to stone. For that reason, Anna and her father Sutad keep relocating. Sutad lives in constant fear that others will discover the secret of his daughter's monstrous nature.

      Anna moves to a village deep in the provinces, where she meets and befriends a neighbor boy, Kao, a lonely teenager her age, who is bullied by his classmates and particularly by his former childhood friend Champ. Not long after the arrival of Anna and her father in the village, strange things start to happen in the area: people and other living things are transformed into stones. Pongsak, the local police chief and father of Champ, is in charge of the investigation of these murder cases that science can't explain.

      Anna, who secretly has feelings for Kao, accepts his invitation to go with him to the annual Loy Krathong celebration, the festival of floating ritual vessels and rising lanterns. At the Loy Krathong festival, Kao and Anna collide with Champ and his fellow bullies, a confrontation that ends in the violent death of Kao. A furious Anna takes off the ring and begins to use her enormous power to kill people randomly. In her anger, she loses total control and calls on numerous snakes to join her in her rampage, to kill the guilty and all bystanders at the fair. Eventually, after Anna gets her revenge and with the police closing in on her, she comes to her senses and regrets what just has happened. A desperate Sutad has to make a cruel decision on how to stop the monster that his daughter has become.