Social issues - Development 2024

In order to end her middle age crises and fix her marriage, Maya has to find answers whithin herself.

    • Year of production
    • 2024
    • Genres
    • Social issues, Drama
    • Countries
    • Synopsis
    • Maya has been married for 10 years. For others, this is an exemplary family. But in fact, everything is far from as idealas it seems. Her husband Arthur is a successful businessman - spends days at work. Arthur put all efforts to satisfy his family needs and Maya has no need to work.

      In reality, she is bothered with idleness, where she has plenty of time to think and twist herself. These reasons result instant scandals, that their daughter whitnesses. In family life
      feelings are dulled and most is perceived
      for granted.

      After another scandal with Arthur, Maya shares details with their mutual school friend Marina. Arthur also asks Marina
      for advice and her female view of the situation.
      Marina stops by him for work in lunch break.

      Meanwhile, Mayа finds out that she is pregnant. She wants to share the joyful news with Arthur and make amends for the conflict. She makes up her mind to bring her husband lunch, she goes to his office, in which she finds Arthur and Marina in an ambiguous position. Under emotions, Maya decides that they are having an affair and commits an abortion. This news make Arthur furious and desperate. A grandiose scandal erupted,
      Maya wishes she would marry other man instead.
      That provokes Arthur even more. In a fit of quarrels,
      Maya wants to pack her stuff and leave. In a
      mystical way she notices a door in her dressing
      room, which she has never seen before.

       Led by curiosity, she enters this door and finds herself in her own parallel life, where she is married to that man she wished. She finds it hard to believe, but curiosity is stronger than her and
      return to reality and the conflict, she
      doesn't want either.

       Ruslan is an artist and romantic. He showers Maya with attention by which she is pretty hungry. Maya begins to run dual life, fleeing from reality at his place. But over time, she realizes that Ruslan is also far from being ideal and fleeing to him does not solve her problems but throws new ones instead. On the background of Ruslan, the merits and shortcomings of Arthur are clearly manifested. She understands that the case, for the most part, is herself.
      Running from problems will not help.
      Sooner or later, she have to solve
      them with any of the men.

      The twist point is the loss of their daughter. She accidently witnesses another scandal of her parents and decides that they argue because of her and runs away from home. Maya and Arthur go search for her together. During this they finally figure out their relationship. Based on the results of the
      conversation, Maya has to make her
      Choice and close one of the doors